A key concept on the way to advanced players is the so-called "ghost ball" method. It describes exactly where one must each strive to sink a certain ball. Is the concept understood the training begins: Exactly how I see the ghost ball?
The Pocket Sniper Pro helps you to learn to see the ghost ball for each shock. It is a very thin plastic film, printed on the object ball and cue ball. If you practice a new shock, insert the Pocket Sniper on the table and get so the ghost ball - your goal - exactly shown. The short video below explains the concept better than any text.
The set of two target aids, one for the ghost ball-target method (without lines) and with lines for the application of 3-Cut-target method. The Pocket-Sniper are packed in a handy card case with instructions for use and training proposals.
We have written a detailed purchasing guide in which you can learn almost everything about billiard cues. Here you can find the article.